String Theory (TV Subject)

What is String Theory?

String theory - a simple way to understand the universe | BBC Ideas

Is string theory still worth exploring? | Roger Penrose and Eric Weinstein battle Brian Greene

String Theory and The State of Fundamental Physics

Is string theory a failing model? | Eric Weinstein and Brian Greene go head to head again

String Theory And Dimensions Explained | Urdu / Hindi

String Theory Explained | Cumrun Vafa

What's Wrong with String Theory?

String theory vs Loop quantum gravity: Wild hunt for Quantum Gravity:

Loose Ends: String Theory and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory

String Theory | Discovery Channel

Cumrun Vafa | String Theory and Quantum Mechanics

A Theoretical Physicist Tries To Teach Kids String Theory Using Music | Inverse

Modern String Theory is not what you think.

Unraveling the Universe: String Theory Unveiled!

Study Claims Discovery of a Cosmic String Creating a Galactic Mirror

String Theory

Quantum Computing: The Future of Technology, with Michio Kaku and Joe Rogan

How Brian Greene Revolutionized Physics | The Story of String Theory and the Multiverse

String Theory: A Symphony of Nature (Dr. Amanda Peet)

String Theory's Leading Contender Disproven?

String Theory, Quantum Gravity and Black Holes (Or, Are We Holograms?)

Jeff Murugan : Mathematician & Master of String Theory